Olympian Artist – Calligraphy: Beijing 2022

Picture of Min Gao
Picture of Min Gao

Sports as the Best of Humankind

The Chinese calligraphy in this artwork is inspired by the messages in “Ode to Sport” by Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic Games: “Sport, pleasure of the Gods, essence of life. You are Beauty, Justice, Audacity, Honour, Joy, Progress and Peace. Sport, you are Fecundity, a fertile ground for cultivating human beings!" © 2021 – Min Gao
Min Gao's artworks
Min Gao's artworks

Happy Fish for a Shared Future

As a diver, I have often been described as someone who “dives like a fish”. Five fish represent athletes from five continents who participate in both the Olympic Summer and Winter Games. Water and ice are linked, as ice is water in the summer, while water is ice in the winter. Meanwhile, the painting also signals the nexus of the Summer and Winter Olympics, as Beijing is the only city in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Games. This painting expresses my happiness that the Winter Olympics are coming to Beijing. The Chinese characters in the painting mean: “Happy fish swimming in the water across five colourful continents”. © 2021 – Min Gao

The Olympic Colour Sense with Chinese Oldest Script

The artwork has five elements consisting of five separate fluid propylene paintings with Chinese traditional characters. The colours of the five rings of the Olympic logo inspire the colour palette: black stands for Justice, blue for Beauty, yellow for Harmony, red for Auspiciousness and green for Sustainability. Chinese traditional characters represented in the Chinese calligraphy and the colours of the five Olympic rings are combined to convey the spirit and value of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games. © 2021 – Min Gao
Min Gao's artworks

Questions and answers

What does being an Olympian or Paralympian mean to you personally?

When I was 14 years old, I saw the Olympic Games for the first time on television, and that’s when participating in the Games became my dream. I stood on the top step of the Olympic podium at the age of 18 and defended my title four years later, which is the proudest moment of my life. Since retiring from competing, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I can overcome them just by thinking back to the efforts I went to in realising my dream of being an Olympic champion. The Olympic experience gives me the courage, strength, confidence and honour to confront challenges in my life.

What do the Olympic values mean to you?

Olympism is an international social movement that aims to promote the development of human physiology, psychology and social morality by uniting people of all nations, fostering mutual understanding, spreading Olympism all over the world, and contributing to world peace.

How do you explain to people that the Olympic Games are more than just a sports competition?

Sport is beauty, justice, courage, honour, joy, progress and peace. It’s a fertile ground for cultivating human beings.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Live intensely and enjoy every moment of the making of a champion, including the effort it takes, the pain of failure and the joy of success.

Are there parallels in your approach to your art and your approach to your sport? Or do you find that the two dimensions bring/brought out totally different sides of your personality?

I think diving is an art in its own right, an art that is presented in the air, an art where the body defies its limits. Today, I write and paint, which is also art, an art which uses actions to reflect my thinking.

Are there parallels in your approach to your art and your approach to your sport? Or do you find that the two dimensions bring/brought out totally different sides of your personality?

I think diving is an art in its own right, an art that is presented in the air, an art where the body defies its limits. Today, I write and paint, which is also art, an art which uses actions to reflect my thinking.

Is there anything else you’d like to say about yourself or your passions?

In 2018, I brought together more than 130 Olympic champions to create the Star Power charity foundation in Beijing. We go to schools all over the country to promote our mantra: “Be your own champion”. We teach teenagers that champions are born out of failure. We tell them how we had to try and fail countless times before we became champions. Real sporting spirit comes from failure, which takes more courage than winning. Sport cultivates our attitude towards failure and gives us the courage to persevere.

Art of painting

Olympian Artists

Olympian Artists are people who are both artists and Olympic athletes.