Olympian Artist – Painting: Beijing 2022

Picture of Kader Klouchi
© Pierre BRYE


“Ski alpin” (Alpine Skiing) is a piece created using acrylic paints and a knife. It is a semi-abstract work representing an athlete mid-performance. The goal was to make the viewer feel the determination and effort exerted at that moment. The athlete is in a constant struggle to maintain their balance, forever striving to achieve the perfect trajectory. They are at the peak of their potential and ability with the aim of optimising their speed to win the race. This quest for excellence leads the athlete to push beyond their limits and give their absolute best. That is what true victory is all about. © 2021 – Kader Klouchi
Kader Klouchi's artworks
Kader Klouchi's artworks


“Flamme Olympique” (Olympic Flame) is a semi-abstract piece which seeks to symbolise the Olympic spirit in a time of celebration, energy and fellowship. To achieve this, I depicted the rings in motion, catching fire and shooting upwards into a dazzling atmosphere. The complementary colours of the rings symbolise the diversity and unity of humankind. The harmony of the colours reminds us of the oneness of all people. Everyone needs others to exist, and we complement each other. © 2021 – Kader Klouchi


Athletics requires you to remain firmly anchored to the ground, but snow and ice sports seem to be defined by a perpetual quest for balance. I wanted to capture the strength and determination that drives all these athletes. I admire the grace of the figure skater, the lightness of the ski jumper, the power of the hockey player, the precision of the bobsledder and the agility of the snowboarder. All these sports have a common element: perfect mastery of the sliding action and the harmony of movement. © 2021 – Kader Klouchi
Kader Klouchi's artworks

Questions and answers

What does being an Olympian or Paralympian mean to you personally? How does it define your approach to life and how you view yourself and the world?

Being an Olympian means doing your very best and never giving up, being indiscriminately accepting of your opponents, and respecting the rules. These principles must be respected in society as a universal ethic that everyone can apply.

What do the Olympic values mean to you?

The values are tolerance, acceptance of differences and mutual respect. They are vectors of togetherness and peace.

How do you explain to people that the Olympic Games are more than just a sports competition?

The Games are a time for coming together, a time when all nations converge towards the same goal and unite in a spirit of sharing and reconciliation.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

“Don’t be so impatient!”

Are there parallels in your approach to your art and your approach to your sport?

Art and sport are intimately linked in my opinion, insofar as both activities lead to self-discovery. For a long time, I thought that sport and painting were a way to escape and forget. But now I know that, far from being a means of escape, they’re resources that help us to build ourselves and feel alive. With time and experience, I think that these two practices have forced me to concentrate, refocus and therefore get closer to my true self.

Art of painting

Olympian Artists

Olympian Artists are people who are both artists and Olympic athletes.