Cameron MYLER (USA)

Olympian Artist – Painting, photography, textiles, mixed media: Beijing 2022

Olympian artist
Cameron Myler © Sports Illustrated


This work highlights the unique ability of the Olympic Games to bring together not just the athletes involved, but the people of the world. The Olympic Games are so much more than just a sporting event. They’re a global reminder that sport is a universal connector that can transcend any differences in race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, social background, wealth, birth or other status. © 2021 – Cameron Myler
Cameron Myler's artworks
Cameron Myler's artworks


This work is a reminder that Olympians have the ability to inspire. It’s the commitment, perseverance, hard work, resilience, integrity and joy in effort that athletes embrace in their everyday lives. Each athlete has the opportunity to inspire others by setting a good example – whether by lending a helping hand to a competitor who has fallen, raising awareness about the importance of mental health, or volunteering with a non-profit organisation that uses sport to promote social change. © 2021 – Cameron Myler


If there’s one word that captures the magic of the Olympic Winter Games for me, it’s “believe”. It’s how we must believe in ourselves, in what we can accomplish, in the power of sport and in our ability to effect positive change in the world. The Olympic Winter Games can inspire anyone to believe in the Olympic values of friendship, respect and excellence. Participating in sport is a human right and sport can be used to promote gender equity and to fight discrimination of all kinds. © 2021 – Cameron Myler
Cameron Myler's artworks

Questions and answers

What does being an Olympian or Paralympian mean to you personally?

Being an Olympian doesn’t just mean that I participated in the largest sporting event in the world. It’s shorthand for understanding that sport is one of the few things that connects everyone on the planet; being committed to fair play, embracing the values of excellence, friendship and respect, and using sport to make positive change in the world. It also meant testing my physical and mental limits on a daily basis. It means that I’m part of a global family for whom sport is more than just about competitions.

What do the Olympic values mean to you?

I have always embraced the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect. To me, excellence has never meant just being the best on any given day. I know that I achieved my own personal excellence, which has been a guiding force in all aspects of my life since retiring from competitive sport. The respect I learned though sport has also dramatically impacted my life. And for me, friendship goes far beyond the individual people I’ve met while competing. It’s the magic of athletes from around the world gathering together in one place every four years.

How do you explain to people that the Olympic Games are more than just a sports competition?

I have had so many conversations with people about the Olympic Games being more than just a sports competition! Many of them have never met an Olympic athlete before, so I feel an extra sense of responsibility to explain that the Olympic Games are much more than just the medal count or what happens on the playing field during the 17 days of competition. I describe the impact that participating in the Olympic Games has had on my life and explain that it has nothing to do with what place I finished in.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

To appreciate every moment of the journey. It’s easy to focus on the big goals, but those kinds of goals are only reached through daily, weekly, yearly effort and many, many moments of hard work and not giving up. I competed in luge because I loved the sport – the exhilaration of the rare perfect run, the travel, the opportunity to meet new people, experience new cultures, and expand my world view. I would not trade a single moment of it.

Are there parallels in your approach to your art and your approach to your sport?

Art and sport are intimately linked in my opinion, insofar as both activities lead to self-discovery. For a long time, I thought that sport and painting were a way to escape and forget. But now I know that, far from being a means of escape, they’re resources that help us to build ourselves and feel alive. With time and experience, I think that these two practices have forced me to concentrate, refocus and therefore get closer to my true self.

Is there anything else you’d like to say about yourself or your passions?

I’m an ambassador for Kids Play International, which uses sport to promote gender equity in countries impacted by genocide. I’m also an ambassador for Athlete Ally, which seeks to promote inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in sport.

I’m currently taking a coaching certification course, with the intention of being able to help athletes figure out what’s next and how they can shine even after they’ve retired from sport.

Art of painting

Olympian Artists

Olympian Artists are people who are both artists and Olympic athletes.