Laurenne ROSS (can-USA)

Olympian Artist – Photography, printmaking, ceramics: Beijing 2022

Picture of Laurenne Ross
Picture of Laurenne Ross


This work represents the connection we have to each other as individual athletes. The Olympic Games instil a sense of community and friendship amongst athletes of all nations, and this can be felt in a way that cannot be articulated through words. The rings in all three of my works represent the Olympic rings, as well as the deep connections between athletes. © 2021 – Laurenne Ross
Artworks of Laurenne Ross
Artworks of Laurenne Ross


This piece is an expression of the joy felt through competition. We experience this intense joy when we devote ourselves tirelessly to our passion, and when we come together to step up to our individual challenges, the sense of collective fulfilment is all the stronger. When the world’s best athletes come together in one place every four years, that passion for excellence is tangible – in all its forms and dimensions. © 2021 – Laurenne Ross


This image is a reminder of the enjoyment in sport. Although our competitions can seem intense and momentous, we as athletes are out there doing what we love most. The colours chosen for this piece are playful and evocative of the fun and vibrancy of the competition. We all began our athletic endeavours looking to have fun. © 2021 – Laurenne Ross
Laurenne Ross's artworks

Questions and answers

What does being an Olympian or Paralympian mean to you personally?

Being an Olympian has allowed me to see the world through two sets of eyes: from the perspective of a professional athlete and from the perspective of an artist. My travels as an Olympic skier have inspired much of my artistic work, and allowed me to view different cultures from a more balanced and nuanced perspective. It takes hard work to become an Olympian, and bringing that motivation and inspiration from sport into my art shapes who I am as a person.

What do the Olympic values mean to you?

Excellence, friendship and respect are three key values that I try to bring to my everyday life. Overcoming obstacles together is an enormous aspect of being an Olympic athlete, and this inspires excellence in all aspects of my life. Friendship is the foundation of who I am as an athlete. The relationships I’ve cultivated throughout my career as an athlete are very important to me and give me real support. It takes respect to live with compassion.

How do you explain to people that the Olympic Games are more than just a sports competition?

The Olympic Games are an incredible opportunity to come together as “one team” to represent your home country and to root for athletes across all sports, regardless of their background. It’s obvious that the Olympic Games are about more than just performance, though that can be hard to see from an outsider’s perspective. The Olympic Games are ultimately about connection: the way we connect to each other across borders, disciplines and cultures.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to “enjoy the process!”. It’s not all about reaching your goals and becoming who you dream of being. Being an athlete is hard work – both mentally and physically – and there is so much joy to be found in the process. So, staying present and true to yourself, who you are right now, at this moment, is something I wish I had known when I was younger.

Are there parallels in your approach to your art and your approach to your sport?

Sport and art seem like completely disparate spheres of life, but they're more closely linked than we think. Participating in sport allows you to find that “flow” state and express yourself in the most authentic way. Art has a similar appeal; it provides the same feeling of grace. During my time as an Olympic athlete, art has allowed me to find some balance and has influenced how I practise my sport. Without art, I can't find true joy in sport.

Art of painting

Olympian Artists

Olympian Artists are people who are both artists and Olympic athletes.