Grace LATZ (USA)

Olympian Artist – Multimedia and fiber art: Paris 2024

Olympian Artist – Multimedia and fiber art: Paris 2024
Grace LATZ (USA) / Rowing / Rio 2016
Olympian Artist – Multimedia and fiber art: Paris 2024

Grace LATZ - Olympian Artist workshop in Paris 

Olympian Artist – Multimedia and fiber art: Paris 2024
Olympian Artist – Multimedia and fiber art: Paris 2024

Grace LATZ - Olympian Artist workshop in Paris 

Grace LATZ - Olympian Artist workshop in Paris 

Olympian Artist – Multimedia and fiber art: Paris 2024

Questions and answers

What parallels do you see between the practice of sport and art?

I find the artistic process is very similar to sport. It demands mental focus, goal-setting, and presence with the task at hand; requires mastery of the process and equipment gained through practice to achieve a state of creative flow; relies on communication and collaboration with others involved; it has the potential to foster community, dialogue, and connection.

How are both of these endeavours important to you?

Art and sport are forms of self expression, just different mediums. I need movement and creativity every day, and both are even more enjoyable when shared! Both of these endeavors have greatly influenced the direction of my life. Where others saw them as completely opposite pursuits, I’ve always seen them as complementary and endlessly intertwined. I’m beyond grateful to have the opportunity to demonstrate that overlap through projects such as this one.

To you personally, what does being an Olympian mean – how does it define your approach to life and how you view yourself and the world?

I found my Olympic sport by chance and once hooked, I chose to be endlessly curious about unlocking the next level. I continued to follow that focus all the way to compete in the Olympic Games, which required me to unlock a high level of self-mastery, but also be a teammate who brings out the best in others. The same process can be applied to other endeavors, as it often is with Olympians who are endlessly colorful individuals who chase excellence and proudly shine through their passion for life in a way that brings others along for the journey. I think that’s the sign of a life well lived, that you’re fully spent at the end for all that you spent time on with those who match and benefit from your energy, just as you would at the end of an Olympic final.

Art of painting

Olympian Artists

Olympian Artists are people who are both artists and Olympic athletes.