Olympian Artist – Graphic design: Tokyo 2020, Paris 2024

Picture of Kelly salchow Macarthur
Kelly Salchow


From training in our own countries to competing on the world stage, sport is the culmination of our work and sacrifice. In this piece, these messages are shared in English and Japanese, as we rejoice with our international neighbours, in admiration for the athletes and in reverence for global harmony. The Olympics create this collective experience. © Kelly Salchow MacArthur
Kelly salchow Macarthur's artworks
Kelly salchow Macarthur's artworks


A mixture of colour on a rock face that evokes the wonder of natural and human potential. © Kelly Salchow MacArthur


Like intertwining plants quietly growing from shared soil. © Kelly Salchow MacArthur
Kelly salchow Macarthur's artworks
Kelly salchow Macarthur's artworks


On the surface of the water and in its depths, we see the present and past. A solemn moment of gravity; human strength and resilience are unmistakable. © Kelly Salchow MacArthur


The sun’s radiance as a beacon lighting the way to promising things ahead. © Kelly Salchow MacArthur
Kelly salchow Macarthur's artworks

Questions and answers

What does being an Olympian or Paralympian mean to you personally? How does it define your approach to life and how you view yourself and the world?

Being an Olympian gives me confidence, because I know that I can achieve my goals and fulfil my potential through determination and focus. It connects me to the global legacy of sport, where competition inspires enthusiasm and fair play represents international peace and cooperation. I feel a strong bond with my teammates and a deep respect for my opponents, because of everything we’ve been through together.

When we talk about “Olympic culture”, what does that mean to you?

The Olympic Games are the culmination of many years of sacrifice and hard work. The Olympics are the target after a long, painful and arduous journey that tests the physical, spiritual, and mental will. During this brief two-week period, the world turns its attention to the feats of amateur athletes who may otherwise be unseen. Olympic culture is a global sisterhood and brotherhood of respect for this peaceful and unparalleled experience.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Recognise that this is extraordinary and that it will be over quickly. Life will go on afterwards, and other athletes will take my place. But it will always be an accomplishment I am proud of.

Are there parallels in your approach to your art and your approach to your sport?

There are many parallels. As a graphic design professional, I plan and focus on long-term goals and constantly try to progress. As a graphic design educator, I talk to my students about team work, the importance of practice and iteration, and the determination you need, as well as the joy to be found in learning.

Some of my strongest design concepts come to me while I’m rowing. After a tough workout, my mind is clear to tackle creative work. After a long day in the studio, getting on the water for a workout is rejuvenating.

Art of painting

Olympian Artists

Olympian Artists are people who are both artists and Olympic athletes.